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© 2025 The Mt Barker Courier

Cash Column

Our Cash Column is a 'buy or sell' section available to private parties and is for vehicles and household items. 'Give away' and 'cost of ad' items are permitted.

Classified and business advertising

Private parties wishing to advertise animals, garage sales, or any other 'classified' category should go to the Classified Adverting page. Business advertisers are directed to the appropriate section.

Please note

Some advertisements require payment before appearing. Please provide a phone number you can be contacted on to arrange payment. If we are not able to contact you when required to obtain payment your advert may not appear. For further information please phone The Courier on (08) 8391 1388.
The Courier reserves the right to move, delete or omit any advertisement that does not comply with the style that our readers have come to expect from this publication.