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Staff memorandum

4 min read

Please note that the following directives are strictly non-negotiable. Any breach will be treated as an act of actual violence and will result in cancellation, de-platforming and public flogging.

First, trans women are “women” and adult humans traditionally referred to as women are “cis women”.

Second, a woman is any adult human with a girl’s name. Women can have penises but they can’t have a boy’s name. They may have once have had a boy’s name, however once adopting a female name, they are officially a woman. Referring to a woman by her former male name (dead-naming) is an act of violence that will be met with harsh discipline.

Third, pronouns must now be stated explicitly on all correspondence, name-tags and at the start of any phone conversation. Before speaking about a third party, please contact said third party and establish their pronouns to avoid mis-gendering them.

Also, staff with children who are transitioning need our support. We all need to get on board with the idea that although girls can have male genitalia and boys can have periods, it is vitally important to chemically disrupt their puberty and cut off offending bits and pieces in order for them to switch gender.

With regards to adult humans who conceive, gestate, give birth and nourish babies: the outmoded term “mother” is now strictly proscribed. Please use the terms “baby-haver” or “birthing parent”.

And a reminder that the nourishing of babies with milk secreted by the glandular organs at the front of the gestational parent is now to be referred to as “chest-feeding”.

On a related note to all our potential baby-havers: gender-reveal parties are strongly discouraged until after the child is about three years old when it can tell you its gender.

Finally, some house-keeping:

We are concerned by complaints by cis-women using the staff gym that there are “fully intact men” showering in their change rooms. We are sure that if these so-called “men” had simply been asked, they would have clarified that they identify as women. To avoid future embarrassment, please don’t assume anyone’s gender.


CLARIFICATION (October 9, 2023)

The above was not intended as an attack on anyone’s gender or sexuality but rather as a comment on our transition to a world where reality is rejected as an inconvenient truth.

When Australia’s first woman PM Julia Gillard was recently asked the popular “gotcha” question “What is a woman?”, she hedged for four minutes yet failed to answer it. Similar responses have been made by politicians in the UK and the US.

A common answer is “a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman”, but that is a circular definition. Johns Hopkins University tried “non-man” but that implied that “man” needed no definition and “woman” was a kind of sub-group. Everyone knows what a woman is … until they feel compelled to not know.

In the sporting arena, people born male are competing, with hugely unfair advantage, against others born female. Sports were once segregated into male and female competitions based on physical sex differences yet participation is now being decided on psychological gender.

Women’s prisons are confining a growing number of violent sex offenders who were born male but who identify as women. The most heinous cases make the news but other stories go unreported because prison authorities do not officially record sexual assaults in women’s prisons by physically male inmates because they are on record as being female.

Women escaping domestic violence and seeking refuge in women’s shelters are facing similar issues.

But most worryingly is the myth of “child-lead” gender affirmation.

The current doctrine is that the moment a child suggests they may be something “other”, their affirmation begins. With any other issue — anorexia, OCD, dissociative identity disorder, Tourettes, Aspergers, autism, etc — extensive work with a therapist is expected to take place. But the moment a child feels something is not right with their world — and wonders aloud if they might be in the wrong body — they are immediately affirmed and set on the path to hormone blockers and, potentially, surgery.

Although the “child-lead” model is accepted with the best intentions, with an abundance of compassion and with a desire to avoid horrors similar to those perpetrated in the past on gay children, there is a growing cohort of child and teen “de-transitioners” who intensely regret the life-changing and sometimes debilitating decisions they and their parents made.

Traditionally, gender dysmorphia is rare. It usually becomes apparent very early in life, persists throughout, and largely affects people born male. But the phenomenon dubbed Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) is new.

Psychologist Lisa Marchiano found that “far from announcing their view that they have been born in the wrong gender at a very young age, older teenagers and young adults suddenly and quickly come to identify as transgender”, with many more girls than boys exhibiting ROGD.

Rather than rushing children to irreversible puberty blockers, important questions need to be asked.

The positive affirmation orthodoxy prohibits any questioning which keeps this new phenomenon poorly understood with the hashtag #nodebate showing a rejection of critical thinking and that even the most well intentioned conversations are off-limits.